If the information on your license is out of date you might be exposing yourself to inconvenient and potentially costly consequences. The most important reason to ensure that the address on your driver’s license is up-to-date is the most obvious: it’s illegal not to do so!
In nearly every state in the U.S. you can be subject to fines and potentially citations. Some of these citations can actually result in points on your license if you’re caught operating a motor vehicle with a license that has an outdated address.
Another vitally important reason to change our address in a timely fashion is that you may not receive important documents and correspondence from the DMV.
Information regarding the status of your registration or license is typically mailed to the address that the DMV has on file. Keeping current will ensure you receive things like renewal or expiration reminders, suspension notices, or traffic tickets.
We all know that dealing with the DMV can be a hassle, but the hassle you might go through for not keeping up-to-date could be even greater.
If you have recently moved or have an outdated address on your driver’s license, make sure to get this information updated as soon as possible and don’t forget to notify your TransForce branch!