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23 Vital Questions to Ask During Your Next Truck Driver Interview

When it comes to job interviews and adding drivers to your fleet, preparation is extremely vital. Being prepared for an interview doesn’t just apply to the potential employee, it applies to the employer as well.

This conversation is your opportunity to determine whether or not the applicant is qualified for the job, your team, and your company overall. The only way to extract that information is if you know the right questions to ask an interviewee.

To help you as a Fleet Manager make the best hiring decision, here are 23 interviewing questions you can ask to a potential driver employee in your next interview.

The Top Truck Driver Interview Questions

1. Tell me about some of the credentials you may have that will qualify you as a commercial truck driver

This question will give you an understanding of the interviewee’s previous work history.

2. What are your plans for your overall career path?

You will get a better understanding of how committed the interviewee is to the industry as well as getting a better understanding of their work ethic and enthusiasm.

3. As a driver, how do you handle stress?

It’s essential for drivers to ensure that stress doesn’t impact their decision making. This is also a good opportunity for the interviewee to be honest and upfront about previous experiences.

4. What are some of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) protocols that you implement as a truck driver?

This is a crucial question. An applicant should be fully aware of the FMCSA regulations and should know that if they aren’t compliant, the company overall could be penalized. You will also get an understanding whether or not the applicant understands that noncompliance increases the chances of exhausted drivers, which may lead to an accident.

5. Have you ever gotten into an accident? If you did, how did you deal with it?

An accident may happen in the field and it’s important for the applicant to be honest about their own experience. It will also showcase the applicant’s ability to handle an accident if they get into one, and display their learnings from this past experience.

6. How would you describe your driving record?

You will get a better understanding of the candidates driving record. There may be times when an applicant does not have a clean record, you’ll want to pay attention to how they respond, if they take accountability and are transparent about this experience.

7. Do you think communication skills are vital as a truck driver? Why or why not?

Communication between the driver and dispatchers/customers is critical in the role of a truck driver. Understanding the value a driver places on communication will give you a better understanding of how they maneuver within your business, as an employee.

8. Did any customer ever file a complaint against you?

Customer service is an important skill for drivers to have, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines and potentially interfacing with customers. Just because a driver has received a complaint in the past, doesn't mean they won't make for a great employee today. Listen for cues of responsibility, ownership or remorse - or if the complaint wasn't warranted: listen to that story, too. This question is really meant to understand a driver's communication style, something that will impact your business daily.

9. What is the most prolonged haul you have ever managed in your career?

In addition to gaining a better understanding of the applicants capabilities based on their previous experience, you will get to know more about the driver as a person. In doing so, you are also demonstrating your interest in the driver - as a person, not just a number. Humanizing the interviewing experience and getting to know your drivers will help you build and earn trust.

10. How do you ensure that you meet deadlines?

As a hiring manager you want to get a better understanding of your future drivers' overall planning skills and time management capabilities. Late arrivals and missed deliveries are all costs to your businesses, thus: punctuality is key.

11. Have you ever been late for a delivery?

Unforeseen circumstances may happen which would be the cause of a late delivery. This question helps the applicant demonstrate that they complete their routes in a timely fashion as well as showcase their honesty if they’ve ever been late for a delivery.

12. How have you handled unforeseen circumstances, for example mechanical breakdowns?

This shows how resourceful your potential driver is, as well as how they handle potential obstacles while on the field.

13. How well do you know basic truck maintenance?

Basic truck maintenance is vital skill set that every driver should have. In the event of a minor breakdown, it's great to know your driver can get things back up and running smoothly without lengthy delays.

14. What is your greatest strength?

The applicant will be able to showcase what value they can provide for your company.

15. What is your greatest weakness?

This question is a great way to see if the applicant will honestly identify their weakness(es) and present it (or them) as something that they work to improve.

16. Was there ever a time you got the wrong information from a dispatcher? If you did, how did you handle it?

Sometimes miscommunication happens and this question will show how the applicant will use their communication skills while on the field.

17. Name a time when your patience was tested and how you keep your emotions in check?

Drivers should never lose their calm while out in the field. Every applicant should be able to demonstrate their level of professionalism with this question.

18. Name a time in which you’ve previously learned how to handle a new piece of equipment?

This question is a good opportunity for the applicant to showcase the willing to take on new technologies/equipment.

19. Why do you think it is crucial to stop at weigh stations that are open during your shift?

Any applicant should be aware that their load should be balanced and at a safe weight. A good driver shouldn’t cut corners as doing that would be costly for your company.

20. How do you organize, plan and prioritize your work?

Deadlines are crucial in the world of trucking and this question will show how your potential will ensure the completion of every route/delivery.

21. How do you balance cooperating with others and independent thinking?

This question will help you determine whether or not the applicant is good-natured or has a cooperative attitude.

22. What is your availability for this position?

You will get a better understanding of how quickly you can onboard them to your fleet and how eager they are to get started.

23. Do you have any questions for me?

If the applicant did research on your company, that is a major plus. This shows how interested your applicant is in the job and as well as your company overall.

Asking these questions to your potential drivers helps you determine whether or not they are qualified to be a part of your fleet. At TransForce, we specialize in providing you  with the resources needed to grow your fleet – from CDL driver staffing, to effective driver recruitment and advertising and access to entry level CDL drivers. We have over 30 years experience and our team of professionals are ready to help!

Connect with us today to take the next step in growing/scaling your fleet.

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