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Trucking Companies: AB5 Has Arrived, What Now?

For nearly 4 years, the trucking industry has had all eyes on the California AB5 law (and precedent) wondering: how will AB5 impact trucking? 

On June 30th, 2022 - to much surprise - the injunction protecting owner operators and the motor carriers who utilize them has been lifted. Effective the same date, motor carriers must comply with CA AB5 law or risk costly penalties up to $25,000 per infraction.

So, the AB5 impact on trucking?
Swift but not lacking options.

Tune into this webinar OnDemand, aired on July 14th, 2022, to learn about your AB5 compliance options.

Attendees of this session will walk away with a clear understanding of:

  • Whether or not they meet exemption status under the AB5 Business to Business Exemptions
  • Available solutions for compliance in the market today 
  • How one private carrier achieved AB5 Compliance in anticipation of the ruling and the impact on their business
  • What the AB5 precedent in California means for other states - and who may be next

Hosted By:

  • Rick Schweitzer, NPTC Legal Counsel
  • Lisa Mitchell, AB5 Dedicated Solutions Specialist