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Loading and Unloading Tanker Trucks| TransForce

Written by TransForce | May 17, 2022

Human trafficking is a $32 billion industry. And unfortunately truck stops offer convenient locations for traffickers to make money from their “merchandise.” It’s important that you know the signs of human trafficking so you can keep yourself safe and even report illegal activity if it safe for you to do so. 

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a way of exploiting a person using force or fraud to make them do work of some kind. This can range from sex work (sex trafficking) to manual labor (labor trafficking). If the person doesn’t have the freedom to go where they want and do whatever kind of work they want, they are a victim of human trafficking. Another indicator of human trafficking is that the victim will also frequently not have access to their personal possessions, identification documents (birth certificate, passport, ID, etc) or bank account. They don’t have to travel anywhere to be a victim. They may just be unable to leave their home or work. Crossing of an international border is not an element of human trafficking

What are 5 warning signs of human trafficking?

Human trafficking at truck stops takes mainly two forms. Commercial sex and fake massage businesses. According to Truckers Against Trafficking, the below are some red flags and warning signs to look for when you’re out on the road. 

1. Lack of knowledge of their whereabouts; not in control of ID/passport

2. Restricted or controlled communication – not allowed to speak for themselves

3. CB chatter about “commercial company” or flashing lights signaling “buyer” location

4. Acknowledgment of a pimp and making a quota

5. A van or RV that seems out of place out by trucks; a vehicle dropping someone off at a truck and picking them up 15-20 minutes later

Are truckers at risk from human traffickers?

Anyone can be a victim of human trafficking. They can be men, women, children, teens, immigrants, or US citizens. However, as a trucker, you are more likely to come across other trafficking victims rather than become one yourself. Potential victims are more likely to be young people who have little contact with family members. They are also likely to have questionable immigration status. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery, and the victims often experience sexual assault, domestic violence, and other physical abuse.

What should you do if you spot human trafficking?

If you see indicators of human trafficking or spot someone who may be a victim of human trafficking or sex trafficking, it is important that you do not approach them or intervene. This could put you and them in more danger. Report it to the authorities and let law enforcement do their jobs. Do not do anything to put yourself at risk. Identifying potential victims and alerting law enforcement is a safe way to help without putting the victim in additional danger.

Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 (TTY: 711)

Text the Human Trafficking Hotline: 233-733

There is no penalty for calling and being unsure if what you’re seeing is really a human trafficking situation. If you suspect it, better to call and be wrong than not call. The trained professionals that answer the hotline calls will guide you. 

Consider Joining Truckers Against Trafficking. They work with the American Trucking Association, individual drivers, owner-operators, and carriers to stop and prevent human trafficking and to help sex trafficking victims. They have a lot of training materials and resources for drivers to help you join in the fight against human trafficking


Truckers Against Trafficking

Human Trafficking Hotline

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