Looking for you next truck driving role with great CDL driver benefits? TransForce may be just what you are looking for.
What is a TWIC card for truckers? A TWIC card is the Transportation Worker Identification Credential. It is required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act for...
What do truck dispatchers do? Truck dispatchers (or freight dispatchers) coordinate transportation between customers, suppliers, and drivers. They generally work...
With diesel fuel and gas prices rising, many truck drivers and owner-operators are looking for ways to save on fuel. Below are some tips for making those trips to...
CDL licenses are valid between 5 and 8 years from the date of issue. You must have a yearly medical exam to keep your CDL from being downgraded. As a truck driver,...
If you’re new to truck driving or still thinking about getting your CDL, you might be wondering what you’ll do during a typical day on the road.
With the CVSA Roadcheck fast approaching, you may be wondering what it is and what you, as a truck driver, need to do to prepare for it. We’ve got you covered.
Team truck driving is when two people take turns driving a semi truck on a long haul. While one person drives, the other sleeps or rides in the passenger seat. This...
If you have been a truck driver for a while and are looking for a career change, you may be wondering what kinds of jobs are available that utilize the skills...