
Find Qualified Drivers on TF1

Get started today on TF1

Introducing TF1

TF1 is the trucking industry’s most intelligent software to power your recruiting team and hire qualified drivers faster.
  • speed

    Get great results, fast.

    Stop sifting through resumes, trying to verify a drivers credentials by phone. TF1 validates the drivers’ CDL class & endorsements for a fit before they can apply to your roles. 

  • productivity

    Increase productivity.

    With TF1, your team productivity is enhanced by our proprietary driver-job matching technology. You can increase your hire rates by up to 8x when compared to traditional job sites.  

  • driver-network

    Source unique candidates.

    TF1 offers you access to our unmatched portfolio of drivers, comprised of drivers from +100 CDL Schools, Troops into Transportation, TransForce pre-qualified drivers – and more. 

  • Hire More Drivers, Faster

    Traditional job boards are inefficient. Even the best recruiting teams only hire 2% of candidates.

    With TF1, you get a smart driver match - increasing your quality of candidates, reducing the time you waste sifting through resumes.


How TF1 Works for Employers

  • Post Your Open Jobs

  • Set Your Budget

  • Receive Validated Candidates

    TF1 CDL License Validation
  • Choose the Best Drivers for Your Fleet


Why TF1?

  • Empower your recruiters with smart driver-job match technology

  • Gain control of your driver recruitment budget

  • Hire up to 8x more drivers on the same budget
  • Tap into a unique network of driver candidates not available on other job sites.