Have you noticed that the recruitment advertising strategies you typically use to attract drivers are less effective than they were six to twelve months ago?
There are multiple factors making this the case and several ways you can make your company stand out in a changing driver recruitment market.
What’s Happening in Driver Recruiting?
Demand for drivers is back in a big way. In fact, there is 50% more money being spent on driver advertising in 2021 versus the same period in 2020. The chart below from EMSI shows the volume of unique driver postings in the United States year over year.
When a driver searches anywhere online for a new job in 2021, they have 50% more opportunities to review than they did last year! You should expect to see that every dollar you spend on advertising produces fewer applications than it did just a few short months ago.
How are Carriers Reacting?
Rethinking Ad Copy
In order to compete, job opportunities are becoming increasingly more accessible and attractive for drivers. Job copy from 2021 reflects this trend, as carriers are using more enticing language in their postings and following key tips to improve driver recruitment advertising.
Reducing Minimum Driver Requirements
Carriers have been laser focused on their student driver programs. Many that had resisted reducing minimum experience requirements are rethinking that strategy. Loosening these requirements can increase the size of the available driver pool available to your company.
Advertising Higher Pay
Drivers are also noticing an increase in advertised pay anywhere they search for open jobs. Did you know that the median advertised salary for a driver is over $22,000 higher than the actual median pay for a driver?
There is a noticeable difference in advertised versus actual pay compared to other types of job opportunities. Carriers are advertising long-term potential earnings versus actual to get the attention of drivers. If you are not marketing the same way, your opportunity might not look as attractive as your competitors.
Working with Strategic Driver Recruiting Advertising Partners
Finally, as the competition for hiring drivers has ramped up, many carriers are looking for advertising partners that truly limit the number of companies an application is sent to. Driver supply has decreased while demand has exploded. If a driver applies to a job and their information is shared with dozens of carriers, your chances of hiring that driver are significantly lower than if that application is shared with only one or a handful of companies.
Is Your Driver Recruitment Strategy Up-To-Date?
The driver recruiting market has certainly shifted dramatically over the last several months. Staying vigilant on what your competitors are offering drivers is a must. How does your opportunity compare? How are your advertising partners adjusting to the market changes? Reviewing these trends on a weekly basis is necessary to stay competitive in 2021!
Ready to Improve Your Driver Recruiting Advertising Strategy? Download The Complete Guide to Attracting Driver Talent to learn more about what drivers expect from your job ads and how to capture their attention.