As a recruiter, timely follow up with candidates is one of your most important success indicators. Our research shows that >60% of driving candidates select the first employer to connect with them. But making that connect is more difficult than it may appear on the surface - that is, until now.
The Challenge of Connecting with Driver Applicants
One of the most common frustrations of teams in the driver recruitment space is their inability to get ahold of a driver applicant. Many recruiters feel that they are following up several times, and never able to get a real person on the phone. They send emails, make phone calls and send texts - but only a few people respond. Why does this happen? It's simple.
800,000 motor carriers are all competing for the same driver talent, on the same channels, and often times in the same markets. Drivers send out multiple applications, on different channels including your website, google, a job board, and then some. After making these applications, the driver starts receiving a slew of phone calls and text messages from unknown numbers. And email? For a driver, managing an inbox on the road is a time-consuming task. There is nothing short and to the point about email - especially if its launched in automated format from your business.
The process lacks meaningful context, and is equally frustrating for drivers.
And for the recruiter who gets the connect? Congratulations - you've won something akin to Roulette. Is that really how you want your job performance to be measured? We certainly don't - and neither do our driver recruiters. That's where TF1 comes in.
TF1 Makes Connecting with Driver Applicants Easy
Through TF1, a next-gen driver recruitment platform, TransForce is making it easier than ever to connect with your driver applicants. Users of the TF1 platform now have in-app messaging capabilities with active driver applicants.
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What does it mean?
As a recruiter, when a driver applies to your open role on TF1 and they are a match for your job, you are now able to immediately message the driver directly in TF1.
Drivers will know exactly which employment opportunity the recruiter is reaching out to them about. This allows you to quickly establish a connection and rapport with the driver. Furthermore, it saves you the time and headache of placing multiple outbound calls to connect with the applicant and re-explain your job offer and brand.
This is no longer a game of roulette. Instead, it is a competitive advantage exclusive to users of TF1.
Request a Demo of TF1
TF1 is a next generation driver recruiting platform that outperforms traditional job boards. With TF1, you can lower your Cost Per Hire (CPH), increase productivity of your recruiters, and source driving candidates not found on other job boards. Request your demo of TF1 today.